Reduced products of any kind
- Foot orthoses (FO)
- Diposits + sensomotor deposits
- Talus Reposition Ring Orthoses (TRRO)
- Stirrup orthoses
- Lower leg orthotics (AFO)
- With ring-shaped foot frame
- Pre-Preg highly dynamic with dorsal feather
- Pre-Preg lightweight construction with joints
- Spiralorthoses
- As night storage orthoses
- As quengel orthoses (static/dynamic)
- As water resistant walking aid to the duct baden after operations
- Knee orthotics in special construction (KO)
- Thigh Orthotics (KAFO + HKAFO)
- With ring-shaped foot frame
- Pre-Preg lightweight construction with joints
- Spiralorthoses
- As night storage orthoses
- As quengel orthoses (static/dynamic)
- As water resistant walking aid to the duct baden after operations
- With pelvic part for verticalization and storage
- Hip orthoses (HO)
- Hip traction orthoses (HTO)
- Torso orthoses
- Body ties/crucifixion forged forges
- Sensory dynamic rump gasses (Spio, GPS, Thera Togs, Jobskin SDO)
- Reformation corsette
- Frame support corsette
- Hybrid fuselage orthotics
- Hand/arm orthoses
- Thumb reduction orthoses
- Storage orthoses
- Quengelorthoses (static/dynamic)
- Spiralorthoses
- 3D printing orthotics
- Head orthoses (CO)
- Head protection helmets based on 3D scan
- 3D printing head protection helmets